Friday, December 13, 2013

I have more questions then answers on this entry.

It's been minus Oh My Goodness it's cold out there, or is that in here? With a better understanding of what it means when I use the phrase "God's chosen frozen". LOL

Just a reminder here, this is me rambling & getting stuff out rather than talking about any one thing. For those who really care, I am just trying to sort out stuff in my heart & mind. I don't expect anything from any of this or from anyone anymore.

Oh here, just listen to the video & let me know what you think, but please do be nice. There is too much crap being spewed in the world already & all it does is make people's hearts fail. Thanks.

Yes, I changed the settings so you can comment now, however I still moderate the comments.

Also I found an old clip I did back in the summer. How many of you would be interested in that one & more like it, if I can do it?

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I'm going to be doing something different

Hi there;

I am going to be doing something a bit different for a while. I am going to be using an "in game" video program, known as Fraps,  that will allow me to do videos from my computer. My webcam doesn't work with this computer. With this winter effecting the arthritis in my hands & back too much for my liking...I thought this would be the best way to go. Thanks for understanding.

If this doesn't work here, I will just post it on my youtube channel.