Thursday, November 7, 2013

Caught Up In Daily Life

Sorry it's been so long since my last post.

Life has gotten away on me lately. So much new stuff happening here.
The trailer arrived a while back & now our hands are full getting it ready for the "new additions" that are arriving in the spring. So much to do & to prepare for, both physically & mentally. Life can be a real hoot sometimes.

As you can tell by my tone, I have had some very good & positive things happen in my life since my last entry. Not really I want to get into today, but I'll let you know when the time is right.

I've been playing the game that Art bought for me, along with this computer. :D The game? Oh that is easy, it's called Minecraft. I like the game a lot. You play either online or offline, the choice is yours. Personally I like to play on a server with other people. The social interaction is great & it helps to fill the void of being in the big city. Sometimes all you need is another person to talk to. I use to just do mining, but now I am building & some of my projects can get pretty big. LOL

One day real soon I'll post some pictures of the things I've built. Who knows maybe one day I'll even start posting some of the videos on here of me doing an actual build.

Anyways, That's all for right now. Maybe I'll have something else to say later this weekend.

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