Sunday, November 17, 2013

Tired of Trying

I tried to do something for someone a few months back. In response I get insults, rude remarks & "don't ever talk to me again" statements.

Okay fine, but you being unreasonable like this isn't just effecting you or me. There is someone else it's effecting & you don't even take them into consideration even though they, at least to my knowledge, live in your house.

I was asked to send back stuff that belonged to them & a few other people who lived in the house. So I did. I didn't have money to pay for it on my end after paying over $600 for a shipment of stuff they sent me COD. As a result I had to send their stuff to them the same way, COD. Now I find out that because they had to pay for it, they decided they didn't want the stuff back after all. Talk about you're double standard.

I am getting so tired of trying to do things for other people that I am seriously thinking of stopping helping people who are not my immediate family, or friends who have "stuck it out" with me through thick & thin for most of my adult life.

I am loosing my ability to care about people. Very few people really care about me or care to get to know who I really am anyway, so why should I bother anymore. I am tired of two-faced people who say one thing to me about someone & then when I have both people together & bring it up, I'm the liar!! Way to go!!

I  knew, rather I THOUGHT I knew someone, now I am beginning to seriously wonder if I ever knew them at all. The name they gave me was, Marion Lois Airdrie. When I first met her she told me she had 2 or 3 "sons." She will now totally deny ever having children. She even gave me names for them which I currently cannot remember. She once by the name of Lois Santanagelo or something close to it. SHe claims to be somehow related to a mob family. I believe that about as much as I believe my cat can speak English. I don't care if she is or isn't because most people who I have ever read about who were part of a mob family were always really hush hush about it.

Anyway, Lois, as we have gotten to know her by, Says to me, "I don't like Tara." So I tell Tara that I would like to see here & Lois get along. Tara says  to me, "It's hard to get along with someone who never talks to you." So I figure, lets get these 2 girls talking to each other. Of course this doesn't happen until AFTER I leave Calgary!

Who is Tara? Oh yeah, Tara is Armand aka Pete Fillion's ex-girlfriend, who still live with him in the house HE bought for "them". The way he talked about her he was still very much in love with her. He denies this very much. He often told me, "I am so done with her." I have no idea what he meant by it since they were constantly texting each other & talking to each other.

At any rate, Tara was living with Ryan when I moved in, then They had some kind of thing happen that I am sure is somehow my fault. Everything that went down in that place was somehow my fault & I'm not sure if its all true, none of it is true or what have you.  A while after Tara & Ryan broke up, Tara starts hanging with this guy named Dan. He seems to be a pretty cool guy, in my opinion. Then after a few months Ryan texts Tara & says he misses her etc. so they start hanging out again. This all goes down while Dan is away visiting his kids in another province. Dan comes back & shaggs Tara, the day after that Ryan shags Tara & gets knocked up. "Who's the Daddy?"

Understand me here, I know this sounds like the makings of a fabulous soap opera, but that's not the point here. Point is Tara has an abortion even though she never told Dan she was pregnant. Ok so some people seem to think that okay & I'm not gonna say 1 way or the other.

My point in all this? Yes, my point. Lois & Tara start talking to each other, next thing you know I am the liar from wherever & I am never to be trusted. Before you go judging anyone here, look back over the basic facts. Make your own decision.

After all this suddenly all 3 of these people start to say things about me & I get hurt feelings, so I block the whole lot of them. Then because I sent stuff out for the 3 of them COD now suddenly I am the person who is to be black listed.

Why do I even try anymore? No wonder people turn into hermits & shun society.

Knowing that I am feelings type person, what would you do?

I just quit trying. Some people really are a total waste of time, energy & resources it seems.

Thanks for letting me vent.
I'm outta here.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Caught Up In Daily Life

Sorry it's been so long since my last post.

Life has gotten away on me lately. So much new stuff happening here.
The trailer arrived a while back & now our hands are full getting it ready for the "new additions" that are arriving in the spring. So much to do & to prepare for, both physically & mentally. Life can be a real hoot sometimes.

As you can tell by my tone, I have had some very good & positive things happen in my life since my last entry. Not really I want to get into today, but I'll let you know when the time is right.

I've been playing the game that Art bought for me, along with this computer. :D The game? Oh that is easy, it's called Minecraft. I like the game a lot. You play either online or offline, the choice is yours. Personally I like to play on a server with other people. The social interaction is great & it helps to fill the void of being in the big city. Sometimes all you need is another person to talk to. I use to just do mining, but now I am building & some of my projects can get pretty big. LOL

One day real soon I'll post some pictures of the things I've built. Who knows maybe one day I'll even start posting some of the videos on here of me doing an actual build.

Anyways, That's all for right now. Maybe I'll have something else to say later this weekend.